Special Event Insurance

Who needs event insurance?

Anyone who likes to have a good time! But actually, event insurance is a necessity for any group of people coming together. Especially if there is Alcohol involved, including but not limited to:

Why do I need event insurance?

For starters, most venues will require you to show proof of event insurance to use their space. Even if you have it at your home your Homeowners may not cover you for certain events. Beyond that basic requirement, large groups, alcohol, and rented spaces put your assets on the line; event insurance can protect you.

If you chose the menu and a guest has a serious allergy to fish, you could be on the hook (pun intended) if they end up in the hospital. If someone busts a move which in turn busts a window, you can expect the venue to pursue some money from you for the repair.

Say a wedding guest is “overserved” and winds up injuring themselves or others once they’ve left the party. As the host, you could be hit with a mountain of problems way worse than any hangover. Wedding Insurance will provide your legal defense.

Events mean risk, and risk means you need special event liability insurance.

What is event insurance?

Special events insurance is a specific type of liability insurance that protects you against the risks associated with organizing or participating in a special event. Event coverage includes third-party bodily injury, property damage, and liquor liability.

Event Liability

Coverage for bodily injury and property damage to third parties, like an attendee, vendors, or the venue itself. Covered claims also provide for legal fees and damage payments

Liquor Liability

Provides coverage for legal expenses and damage payouts if alcohol service at your event causes a covered peril (i.e., bodily injury or property damage). This is included in your event policy if you’re not selling alcohol, as in BYOB or open bar events, but if you own a business that sells, serves, or distributes alcohol at events, you can easily add retail liquor liability coverage to your policy.

Request Your Proposal Here

Are you ready to save time, aggravation, and money? The team at J Jacobs Insurance is here and ready to make the process as painless as possible. We look forward to meeting you!